Environmental Services • Wetlands, Streams, and RPA Services
Environmental Walkovers
These preliminary field investigations will allow you to plan ahead by identifying if wetlands, perennial streams, or Resource Protection Area (RPA) buffers may be located on the site. This low cost option lets you gain a better understanding of any environmental features that may be present on your site while you are conducting feasibility studies or are in the early exploration phase of development.
An environmental walkover was performed on each of the following projects:
- Meadows Farms Nurseries - Spotsylvania, VA
- Gap Run, LLC - Rectortown, VA
- Centreport Plaza North - Stafford, VA
- American Legion, Post 320 - Spotsylvania, VA
- Verizon Wireless - Spotsylvania, VA
- Tridex Associates – Stafford, VA
Wetland Delineations, Permitting, & Mitigation
Welford Engineering will perform a detailed analysis and identify the limits of wetlands and waters of the U.S. (WOUS) on the project site. Our environmental scientists will use protocols established by the Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to map the site specific boundaries of the wetlands and WOUS feature. We will coordinate completion and submission of the necessary documentation to the local USACE field office for review. Welford Engineering can also provide the skills and tools necessary to obtain wetland permits for the stream channel and wetland impacts, if required. We will help you navigate the permitting process by providing expert technical advice. This includes time and money saving strategies in order to obtain the required permits and mitigation approvals from the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), the Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC), and USACE as well as any local wetland boards. Welford Engineering can also provide the necessary monitoring services required by the USACE permit.
Wetland services were provided on each of the following projects:
- Meadows Farms Nurseries - Spotsylvania, VA
- Gap Run, LLC - Rectortown, VA
- Centreport Plaza North and South, Stafford, VA
- Verizon Wireless - Spotsylvania, VA
- Big Spring Building, Stafford, VA
- Hidden Lake Drive – Stafford, VA
- American Legion, Post 320 - Spotsylvania, VA
- Habitat for Humanity – Spotsylvania, VA
- Living Hope Lutheran Church – Stafford, VA
- Chemetrics – Calverton, VA
- Olson Property, Catlett, VA
- California House Investments – Marshall, VA
Perennial Flow Determinations
Welford Engineering will identify the stream channel features on your property as ephemeral, intermittent or perennial in order to meet the state and local Chesapeake Bay Ordinance requirements. Welford Engineering employs certified stream delineators trained in the use of the North Carolina Division of Water Quality Stream Identification Methodology, which is approved for use in the State of Virginia by the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR). A full report including data sheets, photographs, and site plan will be provided for submission to the local jurisdiction.
A perennial flow determination was performed on each of the following projects:
- Centreport Plaza North and South, Stafford, VA
- Hidden Lake Drive – Stafford, VA
- American Legion Post 320, Spotsylvania, VA
- Habitat for Humanity – Spotsylvania, VA
- Living Hope Lutheran Church – Stafford, VA
- Verizon Wireless – Spotsylvania, VA
- Stone Center – Spotsylvania, VA
- Tridex Associates – Stafford, VA
- Mt. Hope Estates – Stafford, VA
RPA Encroachment and Mitigation Plans
Most stream and lakefront property owners have restrictions concerning what they can and cannot do within the Resource Protection Area (RPA) buffer on their property. However certain forms of development and activities are allowed within the RPA if approval is sought and granted by the local jurisdiction. Welford Engineering can assist with the preparation of plans and securing of permits to allow limited encroachments into RPAs.
RPA encroachment and mitigation services were provided on each of the following projects:
- Overall Fawn Lake RPA Mitigation Plan – Spotsylvania, VA
- Fawn Lake, Section 21A – Spotsylvania, VA
- Sunrise Bay HOA – Lake Anna, VA
- Magnolia Harbor HOA – Lake Anna, VA
- Fawn Lake, Lot 213 – Spotsylvania, VA
- Belvedere Beach Hotel – King George, VA
- Fawn Lake, Lot 71 – Spotsylvania, VA
Shoreline Stabilization Plans
Waterfront property owners must take the appropriate measures to stabilize their shoreline and protect it from erosion. The design of a stabilization structure must be both aesthetically pleasing as well as permitted by the local jurisdiction. Welford Engineering has the expertise necessary to gain approval from local governments for the design and construction of your shoreline stabilization project.
Shoreline stabilization services were provided on each of the following projects:
- Fawn Lake, Lot 213 – Spotsylvania, VA
- Lake Land’Or Lot 118R – Lake Land’Or, VA
- Sunrise Bay HOA – Lake Anna, VA
- Magnolia Harbor HOA – Lake Anna, VA